Aave (for example) is a decentralised finance application allowing institutional and individual users to borrow & lend crypto assets.
In order to earn interest, you can deposit Ethereum or any other ERC-20 token. Make sure that you have successfully installed TrustVault with MetaMask and logged in.
Connect to Aave, by selecting Browser Wallet and confirming the request to connect
Select Deposit in the Menu and choose the crypto that you want to Deposit to Aave.
Next, approve the transaction to deposit the assets to Aave. You will be asked to confirm this transaction on your TrustVault app.
If the state does not change to approved, try refreshing the browser page.
Submit your deposit on Aave. Again, you will be asked to confirm this transaction on your TrustVault app.
You have now deposited assets to Aave and will start earning interest. You can return to Aave at any point to view your balance in the Dashboard. The TrustVault with MetaMask chrome extension will automatically log you in.