Travel Rule - New API endpoints

New API endpoints which can be used to submit Travel Rule information to Bitpanda Custody Compliance


As part of the Travel Rule we have had to introduce new validation steps into the transaction workflow. You can see the old / new workflow in our Travel Rule blog.

In order to be compliant with Travel Rule, additional information is required for some transactions which result in the transfer(s) of assets. You can provide us this information via a mutation being added to our GraphQL API, updateTravelRuleInfo.

You must provide Travel Rule Information for each transfer of assets in a transaction. For Bitcoin this will likely only be 1 transfer between 2 addresses but this could result in many transfers in Ethereum due to smart contracts.

Getting the transfer(s) of the transaction

To get the transfers which require Travel Rule information for a Transaction you can make the following request to our GraphQL API.

query getTransaction($id: String!) {
user {
transaction(id: $id) {
transfers {
items {
from {
to {
asset {
amount {
originator {
beneficiary {

fragment FullTravelRuleInfo on TravelRuleInfo {
vasp {

The input of $transactionId changes depending on whether you created the transaction(outbound) or whether the transaction involves you but was not created by you (inbound).

Transaction Direction



Use the requestId returned after creating the transaction via one of our API endpoints.


Use the transactionHash of the transaction on chain

This query will return a list of the transfers which require Travel Rule information from the Transaction.

Sending us Travel Rule information for the transfer(s)

You can then use the to send us Travel Rule information for all the transfers using the updateTravelRuleInfo mutation.

  mutation updateTransfersWithTravelRuleInformation(
$transfers: [TransferInput!]!
) {
updateTravelRuleInfo(transfers: $transfers) {

Where the $transfers input accepts an array of objects with the following schema.

input TransferInput {
id: String!
beneficiary: TravelRuleInfoInput
originator: TravelRuleInfoInput
submit: Boolean

input TravelRuleInfoInput {
# A value of true indicates that the user's Organisation is the originator/beneficiary of this transaction, depending on the transfer direction of SENT/RECEIVED respectively, in which case no further information is required. If any other fields are provided, they will be overwritten.
# A value of false indicates that the current user's Organisation is a broker or a 3rd party, in which case all additional fields below are required.
isCaller: Boolean!
name: String
accountId: String // this can be the wallet address
# If value >= 1000 EUR, an additional identifier for customer is required for the originator
customerId: String
vasp: VaspInfoInput

enum VaspType {

input VaspInfoInput {
# If the type is LISTED, the other fields below are not required.
# For any other type, all fields are required
type: VaspType
id: String
name: String

Below is an example JSON payload providing Travel Rule information for a Transfer.

"variables": {
"transfers": [
"id": "f37ce790-6f85-06ed-505f-6eeb2e636a3c:0",
"beneficiary": {
"name": "Jane Doe",
"isCaller": false,
"vasp": {
"name": "Bitpanda Custody (Prev Trustology)",
"id": "6463bc4adc04916198c994bf",
"type": "LISTED"
"originator": {
"name": "John Doe",
"isCaller": false,
"vasp": {
"name": "Bitpanda Custody (Prev Trustology)",
"id": "6463bc4adc04916198c994bf",
"type": "LISTED"
"submit": true,

Please make sure you submit Travel Rule information to us for every transfer within the transaction. Bitpanda Custody Compliance must approve the transfer of every asset within a transaction, before a transaction can be signed and submitted to the network.

With the submit flag in the payload, Bitpanda Custody Compliance will now have received the beneficiary and originator information provided to review and ensure Travel Rule is being followed. If the submit flag is omitted from the request or false , the information provided will simply be saved and a subsequent request will need to be made with the submit flag set to true to submit the information to Bitpanda Custody Compliance.

What data should be sent for Travel Rule

The exact guidelines are covered in our Travel Rule blog but please see our Travel Rule - what data is required article for more information.

Providing the correct VASP information

We provide another API you can use to retrieve the list of registered Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASP).

query getVasps {
vasps {
items {

There are 4 different VASP types that describes an originator/beneficiary:

  • UNKNOWN - You do not know the VASP information about the originator/beneficiary.

  • UNHOSTED - You know that the originator/beneficiary is an unhosted address.

  • UNLISTED - You know the VASP information for the originator/beneficiary yet it's not in the list provided.

    • Please send us what you believe the and/or in this case.

  • LISTED - You know the VASP information for the originator/beneficiary and it's in the list provided

    • In this case, the and are not required.

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